Author: Chabad Atwater Village

Local Chabad Centers

Local Chabad Centers

East Bay • AlamedaJewishalameda.comRabbi & Rebbetzin Meir & Shmotkin(510) 640-2590 • BerkeleyChabadberkeley.comRabbi & Rebbetzin Yehudah & Miriam Ferris(510) 540-5824 Student CenterJewishucb.comRabbi & Rebbetzin Gil & Bracha Leeds(310) 402-1163 • BrentwoodJewishdelta.comRabbi & Rebbetzin Peretz & Mashie Goldshmid (925) 238-8770 • Castro ValleyJewishcastrovalley.orgRabbi & Rebbetzin Shimon & Chanie Gruzman(510) 342-9326 • DanvilleJewishdanville.comRabbi & Rebbetzin Shmuly & Mushkie…

Visitors Info

Visitors Info

Kosher Food OAKLAND KOSHER FOODS3419 Cardiff Court, yourcity, CA 11216(510) 839-0177 • oaklandkosherfoods.comUnder the Vaad of Northern California FRENA BAKERY132 6th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103(628) 444-3666 • Under the Vaad of Northern California SABRA GRILL419 Grant Ct. (2nd Floor), S. Francisco, CA 94103(415) 982-3656 • Sabragrill.comUnder the Vaad of Northern California Synagogues CHABAD…

Bar / Bat Mitzvah

At Chabad we see a Bar/Bat Mitzva as an opportunity for a child to explore and discover what being Jewish really means. Not just a lavish party, a Bar/Bat Mitzva an experience that can mold a child, leaving an everlasting imprint on his/her life forever.  We offer private Bar/Bat Mitzvah training and will work with your schedule and…

Our Philosophy

Our school is a contemporary learning center that successfully caters to Jewish families from all walks of life. Our school welcomes every Jew, regardless of religious background or level of observance. It is for this reason that our school does not require any membership or prior affiliations as a condition for enrollment. Hebrew School of…

The Shul

The Shul

The Shul is a vibrant place where Jews of all walks of life; beginners and advanced, thinkers and doers, young an old, come together as one to study, to pray, to rejoice and to grow. A Learning Experience: Every time a person enters the Shul, they will learn something new. A new insight. A new reason….