

Sell your Chametz Online

Sell your Chametz Online

Note: The deadline for submissions is 8:00am (yourcity time) on March 26, 2021. After that time try selling with Chabad Rabbi in Hawaii by clicking here. Note: Leading halachic authorities have ruled that online authorizations are acceptable for the purpose of selling chametz. The traditional and preferred practice, however, is for the authorization transaction to be…



Purim Megilla Readings And Schedule Thursday, Feb 25   Fast of Esther Begins: 5:23am     Maariv & Megillah Reading: 6:20pm     Fast Ends 6:26pm Private Megilla Reading – contact 5102553121 7-10pm Friday, Feb 26   Purim Day!        Services 9:00am     Megillah Reading: 9:30am Private Megilla Reading – contact 5102553121…

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High Holidays 2021

Meaningful, melodic prayers highlighted by insightful thoughts to guide and inspire you throughout the service – all in a warm, welcoming environment.No affiliation, membership or tickets necessary, Reservation appreciated. Monday, Sept 6Rosh Hashana Eve Candle Lighting: 7:13PM Community Rosh Hashana Dinner* 7:45PM* Shabbat, Sept 7Rosh Hashana Day 1 Shacharit Morning Services 10:30AM Kiddush & L’Chaim…

Shavuot Schedule
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Shavuot Schedule

June 8 – 10, 2019 Saturday , June 8 Shavuot Eve Candle Lighting after: 9:17pm Shavuot Meal 9:15pm Tikun Leil Shavuot 11:00pm Sunday, June 9 Shavuot Day 1 Holiday Services 10:30am Reading of 10 Commandments 12:00pm Shavuot Celebration 12:30pm Candle lighitng after 9:18pm Monday, June 10 Shavuot Day 2 Holiday Services 10:00am Yizkor 11:30am Holiday…