
Kiddush Sponsorship

Kiddush Sponsorship

You can sponsor a Kiddush to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, graduation, yahrzeit, or any significant event. If you prefer, it is also possible to co-sponsor a Kiddush. We also welcome contributions to the General Kiddush Fund. Please call with any questions and to reserve your kiddush date. The week’s sponsor(s) has the opportunity to speak…

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High Holidays 2021

Meaningful, melodic prayers highlighted by insightful thoughts to guide and inspire you throughout the service – all in a warm, welcoming environment.No affiliation, membership or tickets necessary, Reservation appreciated. Monday, Sept 6Rosh Hashana Eve Candle Lighting: 7:13PM Community Rosh Hashana Dinner* 7:45PM* Shabbat, Sept 7Rosh Hashana Day 1 Shacharit Morning Services 10:30AM Kiddush & L’Chaim…

Shavuot Schedule
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Shavuot Schedule

June 8 – 10, 2019 Saturday , June 8 Shavuot Eve Candle Lighting after: 9:17pm Shavuot Meal 9:15pm Tikun Leil Shavuot 11:00pm Sunday, June 9 Shavuot Day 1 Holiday Services 10:30am Reading of 10 Commandments 12:00pm Shavuot Celebration 12:30pm Candle lighitng after 9:18pm Monday, June 10 Shavuot Day 2 Holiday Services 10:00am Yizkor 11:30am Holiday…